Thursday 29 September 2011

Thriller Treatment.

Initial Ideas

Female (early 20s, Fragile)
2-3 Policemen/Detective
Big scary man

Woman in room, crying, makeup smudged all down her face, dirty looking, scruffy clothes, cuts and bruises. Zooms in on her hand, she's fiddling with a ring (wedding/engagement) then door opens, she looks up in fear, man (big, scary dressed in all black) walks up and down playing with a gun. A close shot of footsteps (running), followed by a scream between the shot. Shot then proceeds to the woman screaming. Police then get outside of the door of the room, scene crosses over to them banging on the door(Repeating "This is the police, open this door" banging, kicking.) Shot then changes to the inside perspective of them banging the door. Then the women screaming, panicking,a close up shot of the mans left shoulder parallel to the women. He slowly walks towards her with heavy footsteps echoing (main focus on the man, repetitive banging sounds) crossing over back to the police outside. Man raises gun as the police crash through the door, gun sound from the room (sound bridge) and the woman screams, see the policemen's face, confused. shot of empty room fade to black.