Sunday 9 October 2011

Donnie Darko Frame by Frame Analysis (Jackie)

1) Opening shot fading in, synchronised with a sinister rumble of thunder. There is a clear view of dark trees as the shot as it slowly pans to the left where you can see distant hills. The shot continues to pan left but slows down and focuses on a road, where you can see a figure lying in the middle of the road, slowly being the center of perspective the shot zooms forwards towards the figure. As the camera gets closer you notice that the figure is a young boy and near the side of the road is a bicycle lying across some grass. The Boy rolls slightly away from the shot and slowly slouches up, the shot still panning but which it reaches a medium shot it rotates around the back on the boys head to the left side of his face. As the shot reveals his confused face a piano starts playing, you can tell from his eyes that he doesn't know how he got there or doesn't remember. This opening shot makes the audience think why is the boy on the road and how did he get there, thus making them intrigued to knowing why or how.

2) A long shot panning to the left of the landscape, showing hills and mountains. You can notice the scene brightening up as the sun is rising slowing but still a dull misty blue colour that surrounds the sky giving a chilly atmosphere. Eventually the shot stops just when the boy gets up and you can see his back. He slowly turns around whilst the music gets slightly more dramatic once again revealing his face. His expression is still confused but suddenly he smiles and laughs walking off the left side of the shot. Then the title Donnie Darko appears in white text and you see a sparkle of light and it consumes the whole shot making it completely white.

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