Monday 3 October 2011

Shot List (:

First shot: long shot, zooming in slowly.

Second shot: medium shot of girl, zooms slowly into a close up then pans down to

third shot: Close up of her hand, playing with her ring.

fourth shot: extreme close up of her ring.

fifth shot: long shot of door opening and man coming in but you hardly see the man

sixth shot: Medium shot of girl, looking up towards the door in fear.

seventh shot: low angled medium shot of man walking into the room coming from the girls perspective.

eighth shot: high angled shot, looking down at girl, sees the man walking up and down the room.

ninth shot: close up of the mans hands hold a gun, just fiddling with it.

tenth shot: close up of running foot steps, pans round to follow where the footsteps are going.

eleventh shot: close up of the girl in the room screaming and crying.

twelfth shot: extra long shot of the police men running to the door.

thirteenth shot: close up of hand banging on the door.

fourteenth shot: over the shoulder shot of the man looking at the girl, high angled shot, looking down at her.

fifteenth shot: medium shot of the police men banging on the door, side on view.

sixteenth shot: long shot of the door inside the room, banging noises coming from it, zoom in really slowly.

seventeenth shot: long side view shot of the man pacing up and down in front o the girl.

eighteenth shot: same as fifteenth but with more agressive knocking, kicking aswell.

nineteenth shot: high angled over the shoulder view of the man raising his gun slowly towards the girl.

twentieth shot: long shot of the police men breaking through the door, follows them inside, you hear a gun shot and a scream as they break through.

twenty-first shot: Medium shot of the police mens face inside the room zooms into a close up of the front police mens face.

twenty-second shot: Long shot pan of the room from left to right, empty!

twenty-third shot: fades to black :')

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